Could skills-based hiring be the key to unlocking future success for your TA team, and across the wider business? In this episode, Matthias Schmeisser of EMnify joins Chris to discuss the positive effect of moving to a skills-based hiring system on their business. He explains why a focus on skills over behaviours is important, why you should prioritise a select number of skills you are looking for, and why the resume isn’t always an effective way of assessing a candidate. Listen to the full episode to find out why EMnify have implemented a ‘licence to hire’, and how Matthias is working with other stakeholders to drive and measure the success of skills-based hiring.
Join HIGHER founder, Phil Blaydes and Amy Weidner, founder of Amy's Career Hub, to discuss their adult ADHD diagnoses and reflect on their business and TA careers through a new lens.
This will be a unfiltered conversation suitable for fellow ADHD'ers and everyone else with a people or leadership role who works with ADHD'ers i.e. everyone.
Wondering what it’s like to hire at the cutting edge of Web3? This episode features Matt Schwinden, Head of Talent at The Graph, an indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data. He joins Chris to discuss why recruiting talent for Web3 doesn’t always follow established processes, how The Graph have adapted their hiring approach to address this, and what the key skill sets are to look out for. Tune in to discover Matt’s thoughts on the role TA plays in uncovering the right talent for the next generation of web technology.